
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – July 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Jessica Weisz at 9:04 a.m.

Members Present
Jessica Weisz, Norborne FPD; Diane Wynne, Galt FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole Co. FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Carissa Thompson, Holts Summit FPD; Joni Fields, Paris RFPD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FD; Nancy Ransdell, Madison West Monroe FP; Robin Schrage, Jefferson R-7 FPD; Lachrissa Smith, North Central Carroll Co. FPD; Debbie Meyers, Concordia FD; Rosanna Jorgenson, South Holt FPD; Jennifer Sterner, West Plains FP. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by everyone. Ann Jones gave the invocation, and read a poem. Jessica read the delegate duties. Roll call was completed by Joni; who reported we had 13 members present representing 11 departments. 

The minutes were read from the June 4, 2023, Sunday convention meeting Minutes. The noted changes to be made were DebbieRansdell should be Nancy Ransdell and Deidra Batlmer should be Deidra Batliner. Carissa Thompson made a motion to accept the meeting minutes as read with the changes noted, a second was made by Ann Jones, motion passed

Sheri Berendson reported we have 109 paid members and 13 honorary members for a total of 122.

Financial Report
Theresa Cox presented the financial report. Sheri Berendzen made a motion to accept the report as read, seconded by Diane Wynne, motion passed. Theresa reported how much we made from the Silent Auction. Discussed some possibilities for future donations such as Women’s Symposium, NVFC, Burn Camp, etc…

Jessica Weisz stated the games went very well yesterday. This year the winners received plaque vs. the trophies as they had in the past.

Poster Contest
Diane indicated we need to talk to the chairperson of the Poster Contest, Andrew for next year. The Auxiliary feels the rules are not being met by so many entries, causing them to be disqualified. Also need to discuss the date and time posters need to be submitted?

Auxiliary Member of the Year
We did not have any nominations this year. Need to work on this year round to identify who is deserving of this award. As suggested at the bi-monthly board meetings, we ask what everyone has done or knows of what was done by a person(s) and make notations to refer back to for nominations.

New Business
Jessica announced the slate of new officers presented by the nomination committee. The slate of officers are; President, Sheri Berendzen; 1st Vice President, Joni Fields; 2nd Vice President, Carissa Thompson; Secretary/Treasurer, Lachrissa Smith; Public Information Officer, Kim Peffermann; Sergeant at Arms, Rosanna Jorgenson.  Jessica then asked if there were any nominations from the floor, and asked two more times. There were no nominations from the floor. Diane Wynne made a motion to cease nominations from the floor, Theresa Cox seconded, motion passed. Diane made a motion we accept the slate of officers presented by the nomination committee, seconded by Sheri Berendzen, motion passed. The new officers were installed by Theresa Cox. 

Our new President Sheri Berendzen asked if anyone had any new business. No one had anything. Jessica Weisz made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Diane Wynne seconded the motion, motion passed. Meeting Adjourned by Sheri Berendzen at 10:27 am.

Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox; Secretary/Treasurer