
Annual Tribute Gala

Supporting Heroes

The annual Supporting Heroes Tribute Gala was held Saturday, July 15th, 2023 in Owensboro, Kentucky. This year Supporting Heroes honored nearly 60 fallen heroes from the three states we serve (Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri). With over 500 people in attendance, this event showcased those fallen heroes and paid tribute to their service and sacrifice. The tribute gala is just one event of several, that occur over the weekend.

A Friday evening reception, held in conjunction with the Friday after-five event, allowed our family members to gather in a private event space, share a meal, enjoy some yard games, walk up and down the riverfront enjoying the numerous bands, and enjoy ice cream. This “soft” start to the weekend is the perfect way to meet other family members and become integrated into the “magic” that happens when survivors meet other survivors.

On Saturday, our youth participants were treated to a day of fishing, pedal boat rides, go-carts, and lunch at Diamond Lakes Resort. Survivors were invited to lunch, where they had an opportunity to more formally introduce themselves, enjoy a meal, and share a little bit about their fallen hero if they desired. After lunch, younger kids were given the chance to participate in arts & crafts (they made slime!), while the balance of the participants broke up into groups, where those with like-relationship types could share and learn from others who have walked similar paths.

Saturday evening, was the formal tribute gala. While many believe this event is a fundraiser, it is anything but. Surviving family members NEVER pay to attend. This event is open to the public (we encourage you to attend) with registration fees, event sponsors, and our silent auction all helping to offset the costs associated with hosting the weekend events. An amazing dinner was served to those in attendance. Nashville recording artist Trent Prewitt performed several times during the evening (Trent is from Ebenezer, Missouri). Powerful tributes were given by Ebenezer, MO. Fire Chief Nelson Prewitt and survivor Gail Critchelow. Our evening closed out with our powerful candlelight ceremony.

Our weekend closed out with us gathering for breakfast in our private tent space along the riverfront. This serves as another opportunity for survivors to chat with other survivors, and exchange contact information with those they may have made a connection with, and is a good decompression event from the powerful evening we had the night before.

As your State Coordinator for Supporting Heroes, I cannot begin to share with you what this event provides for the families of our fallen heroes. Above I mentioned the “magic” that happens, and witnessing that occur helps reinforce the importance of the work we do, and we cannot do that without your support.

In closing, I want to paraphrase a comment that was made by a Missouri firefighter who attended this event, which I feel truly reflects the peace of mind our organization provides:

I’d be lying if didn’t say these memorials don’t often have me thinking “What if I’m next? What if my child is standing here listening to my name being called”? What if my child is holding a candle in my honor one day”?
Honestly, I don’t know any of those answers. Except I do know Supporting Heroes will be there, and that is a huge relief.

To help support the mission of Supporting Heroes, please consider becoming a member, organizing a fund-raiser, or sponsoring one of our survivor events. For more information, please use one of the QR codes below, or go to our website at SupportingHeroes.org. Don’t forget to follow us on social media.

Supporting Heroes is the only support organization in Missouri that provides support to all Missouri first responders in our state, serving all disciplines (police, fire, EMS, air-medical, corrections, probation and parole), and also serving both public and private entities.