
Holiday Events From 2022

It’s the week before Christmas and looking back over the past couple of months it has been busy and business as usual throughout District 12. Calls for emergencies be it fires, medical, vehicle crashes, or citizen assists; the calls for help continue daily. It has also been a tough time for all that knew Captain Robert Moore of Kennett Fire Department. Continue to keep his family and Kennett Fire Department in your thoughts. It was my honor to have met him years ago and he will be greatly missed.

In the last article, Gordonville Fire Protection District was putting the final touches on its annual Halloween Event. This year, thanks to Tim Bleichroth we have pictures of the fun things they did during their event.

Christmas parades are in the books for another year, seeing all of the smiling faces along the parade routes are very special. Meeting up with other fire districts and departments at the parades is a great time as well. The creativity of lighting up apparatus with Christmas lights and decorations is just really cool to see. Sometimes just trying to keep everything in place is a challenge on an apparatus but as firefighters, gives us a challenge and with teamwork we make it work.

In the coming year if you are in District 12, Southeast Missouri, and have an interest in helping out in the FFAM, even just a little, give me a call or email.

As always stay safe out there and thank you for what you do for communities.