
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – March 2021

The meeting was called to order by President Jessica Miller at 9:03 a.m.

Members Present
Jessica Miller, Norborne FD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County Fire; Joni Fields, Paris Rural FD; Carissa Thompson, Holts Summit FPD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FPD; Missy Erdle, Little Dixie FPD; Kathy Eggen, Johnson County; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD (via zoom).

Jessica Miller asked if there were any changes, comments, or corrections for the December 6, meeting minutes. Carissa made a motion to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Missy, motion passed.

Financial Report
Sheri reported the balance in our checking account is $4,450.45. Theresa Cox made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Joni Fields, motion passed. After the meeting, Jessica Miler and Missy Erdle will conduct the yearly audit on the financial books and report findings at the 2021 convention.

Committee Reports

We have received $195 in dues for membership so far and some today. Sheri indicated she is going to contact the departments or individuals who have not sent in dues to remind them they are due. Thank you to the members who have sent their dues in already. Auxiliary members may receive a copy of the bi-monthly FFAM Newsletter, 1 copy per household. Members can contact President Jessica Miller if they do not receive one. Her contact information is nfd325@yahoo.com.

Due to COVID-19, Kearney is not able to host this years’ convention. Washington was attempting to see if they could put it together but was not able to either.

Grant Oetting 2nd Vice President joined our meeting. He reported the 2021 convention will be Sunday, May 2, at 9:00 a.m. in Sedalia, at the State Fair Fire House. It is a one-day meeting/convention only. Washington will host the 2022 convention.

Due to the convention only being one day we will not focus on fundraising this year.

Media Policy
Carissa is working on our Facebook page. Discussed the need to get a TV in the EMS bay area for our Digital Media (i.e.: Zoom) meetings. A TV large enough so the entire group can see the participants and the participants can see who is physically at the meeting. Joni made a motion for us to purchase a TV not to exceed $500, for the EMS bay area, pending the approval of the State Fair Fire Department. Sheri Berendzen seconded, motion passed. Carissa discussed we will need to consider looking into a good speaker sound system next.

Auxiliary Member of the Year
With the new media system, we can virtually recognize an Auxiliary member or Department.

Poster Contest
The theme for this year is “Serve up Fire Safety for the Kitchen”.

Old Business
Sheri and Theresa will select a new bank that has Venmo or Zelle available as a service. These will be used for accepting payment for membership dues, at fundraisers, and such. And we will get a debit card to utilize as needed. We discussed the importance of proper documentation. Need to keep all receipts, take notes description about the usage, etc., for auditing purposes.

New Business
We had a wonderful visit from State Fire Marshal Tim Bean. He thanked the Ladies Auxiliary for sponsorship at the stair climb at the state capitol. He said this year Saturday, September 11, is the 20th anniversary.

They have so much planned, a parade, the reading of 3,000 names, a 5k run, a flyover, and more. Joni Fields suggested the Auxiliary have a float in the parade. Tim discussed Fire Fighters Day. He also shared information about the grant his department got and using it to go paperless.

Sheri stated it is important to remind the auxiliary members they can attend the bi-monthly meetings via the new media available, similar to zoom. All you need to do is let us know so we can set up the link.

Carissa made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Joni Fields, motion passed. Meeting ended at 10:53 a.m.