
The Winner Is…

trophyFebruary 28, 2016 is approaching faster than most of us would want to admit at this point, but the reality is that it is coming no matter how much we refuse to believe. With that being the case it is time you take a look at those members of the FFAM in your area that have performed noteworthy actions that merit a nomination for an award from the FFAM.

You may remember from earlier articles the award categories have been reviewed and most have received some adjustments to provide additional clarification or in some cases a broader range for actions that fit within the criteria of the awards. Although we all like those periods of time when things just idle along at a “routine” pace and nothing extraordinary takes place it always seems those periods don’t last often and without doubt you know of someone in your area whose actions are befitting consideration for recognition.

Please review the award categories and nomination criteria on the FFAM website, www.ffam.org and make your nomination today.

All nominations and supporting documentation must be submitted to meet the February 28 deadline. Once the information is received the committee members will take those nominations under consideration in preparation for the award presentations at the 2016 FFAM Convention April 29-May 1 in Osage Beach.