
Boles FPD Starts New Tradition

On behalf of Boles FPD, we would like to thank our residents for passing Proposition Safety last April. Due to your generosity, we are able to hire twelve additional full-time career firefighters and will be able to bring on additional reserve firefighters.

As of January 22, 2017 we were able to staff all 4 stations with 2 members 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. With the additional staffing, we will cut initial response time’s district wide.

With hiring additional career and reserve firefighters, many changes have taken place. We started a new tradition within our organization. We hosted our first pinning ceremony on February 15, 2017. During that presentation, 24 received new badges.

Reserve Firefighters

Jace Backs, Joe Fleming, Tyler Pruessner, Adam Schmitt, Nick Simpson, and Elizabeth Williams

Career Firefighters

Jacob Broeker, Paul Hargis, Adam Huff, Greg Kriete, Dan Krull, Dan Milliken, Adrian Peterson, Matt Sleet, Clay Snodgrass, Kevin Stone, Anthony Wehmeyer, and Matt Woodruff.

Career Lieutenants

Zeth Boyer, Ben Dudley, Don Fitts, Ben Hutchings, Sam Johnson, and Mike Wussow.

Boles FPD protects 70 square miles in Northeast Franklin County with stations in Gray Summit, Labadie, Villa Ridge and St. Albans. Boles FPD is a combination department made up of full-time and reserve firefighters. In 2016, Boles FPD answered 1,254 calls for service.

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, concerns or just stop in to welcome our new members or visit: www.bfpd.com.