
Memorial Foundation – September 2014

Meeting was brought to order by Chairperson Keith Smith

Keith Smith, Ken Hoover, Steve McLane, Don Wilmesher, Don Hahne, and Harriett Vaucher. Guests present: Ron Baker, Don Vaucher and Josh Biggers

Chairperson Smith advised that since we only have 7 board members present that does not consist of a quorum so any votes needed will be continued for approval by telephone or e-mail if needed. Several members had last minute changes and could not make the meeting. Doc Kritzer will be arriving late if possible.

Motion was made by Ken Hoover to accept the resignation of Randy Cole, 2nd by Don Wilmesher. Motion carried with a quorum of 7 members.

Keith Smith discussed the recent passing of his father, Vice Chairman Art Smith. Keith thanked the foundation members for the support and from the support of the funeral assistance team. The family is very grateful to all that were present and for the many long hours in preparation for the services. Chief Hoover advised the Memorial Board presented a memorial statute to the Smith family for the many years of dedication and service to the Memorial and to the entire family of FFAM.

Keith Smith advised there was a total of $915.00 received from different family members recently for the memorial fund.

Treasurer’s report had previously been distributed to all members. Ken Hoover made a motion to accept the report as read to be filed as is for the Audit, Don Wilmesher 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

Josh Biggers with Little Dixie Fire Protection District was present. Josh presented some fund-raising ideas that may help to enlighten the public about the museum project. Josh showed the members a large signage that had been used recently for the Audrain Ambulance District. This could be used with the architects building design to show the public what is being attempted for the building. He also spoke about putting some electrical outlets close to the outer sidewalk area so those that spend the night during the memorial and candlelight service can hook up the RV Camper. Since they do spend the night ensuring the setup and grounds are not tampered with. The board thanked Josh for his time and efforts.

Keith Smith will send a photo to Tony Duncan the architect for expenses for the large signage board.

There were other discussions about electrical issues in the flower planters due to rain and moisture problems with the electrical plugs. Bill Farr made a motion to have an electrician review what needs to be done to these electrical outlets, mainly to raise them out of the water danger. Motion 2nd by Don Wilmesher, motion carried. Motion was made by Don Wilmesher and 2nd by Don Hahne to have an estimate for the electrical connection for the RV outlet up to a 50 amp service. Motion carried.

Next item of discussion is the Honor Flight. As most know, the lights for the parking lot are left operating during the honor flight ceremony as hundreds of motorcycle groups meet at the memorial and escort the honor flight members to Columbia. This is a great benefit for the memorial recognition as well.

The discussion was about trying to have a board member present during this time to relay information about the memorial and the future museum project. Members advised that if dates could be determined someone would try to be there.
Member Doc Kritzer attended the meeting which does bring the board to a quorum. Don was briefed on all discussions and previous motions being in agreement of previous issues.

Ron Baker gave a report on any fund-raising activities. FFAM convention was very slow at the booth with less than $100 raised for donations. The flag program during the memorial was less than last year with only 53 flags being sold. 13 flags were put up at the memorial during the July 4th holiday weekend. Ron has contacted several large corporations for the museum project with no response. Ron spoke of a conference with the National Fire Museum association and maybe some of the benefits to be learned. Motion was made by Ken Hoover and 2nd by Don Hahne to send Ron Baker to the conference in Indiana for up to $500 in allowable expenses. Motion carried.

Consensus of the board is the flag that is being set up in memory of the LODD will be presented to the family members. All were in agreement.

Discussion on the fire truck storage for the winter was brought up. Ensure water is drained and anti freeze is good. Doc Kritzer has purchased automotive jack stands and lifted the truck up from the concrete pad so the tires do not touch minimizing tire damage. Storage of the truck will be an agenda item at next meeting.

Harriett Vaucher gave a report on the past National Fallen Firefighter conference in Clayton. 42 classes were taught with 32 states attending. 150 total survivors were in attendance with over $75,000 raised for the survivors and the national foundation. Harriett showed the members a new flower planter she is making in the design of the fire department maltese cross as something to purchase. This would be something the memorial could also give to the survivors or sell as a fund raiser for the future. Motion was made by Bill Farr to purchase a dozen of these planters at $50, 6 with flowers and 6 without, Steve McLane 2nd the motion, motion carried.

Doc Kritzer gave a report on the engraving of members’ names on the wall. Presently he has 70 names to engrave, 40 on bricks and 30 on the walls. Doc advised that 8 statutes were sold as well as several bricks. All engraving was completed, still some issues with names on the list. Doc advised that the concrete pad poured for the fire truck display was accomplished with several donations at a lower cost to the foundation. He advised several volunteers assisted as well as two county commissioners and public employees assisted. There have been some issues with the parking lot lights, they have been repaired but no bill has been sent yet. Board members thanked Doc for all of his work at the memorial.
Insurance coverage was discussed and taken care of to including terrorism coverage.

2014 memorial and candlelight service DVD’s are in and ready for purchase. Survivors will be sent a copy of the ceremonies.

Steve McLane will look into some ways of having conference calls for those that cannot attend the meetings.

An inventory of all items belonging to the foundation needs to be completed and a master plan developed.

Question about Light House uniform was discussed and answered.

Discussion was brought up about the appointment for a replacement from the State Fire Marshal’s office. Motion was made by Ken Hoover and 2nd from Harriett Vaucher to allow a representative to attend the meetings but no appointed would be made until the Governor has announced the next Fire Marshal. Motion carried.

With the recent passing of Art Smith, there is a position open that needs to be filled from the FFAM board. If there is someone in mind to fill this position please advise Keith to bring before the FFAM board. The nomination must be a current or retired FFAM member

Consensus of the board is that minutes of foundation meetings should be published to the FFAM newsletter. Motion by Harriett Vaucher and 2nd by Don Wilmesher to inquire with the FFAM board if the minutes could be sent and published in the future FFAM news letter. Motion carried.
Members noted there are several large cracks in the concrete and walkways of the stamped concrete portion that needs attention before the inclement weather months ahead. Doc will check with any local contractors or any other board member that can bring a proposal to the next meeting.

The flower wreaths used at the memorial for the LODD was discussed with newer wreaths needed before next ceremony.

Long term storage for future needs and fire truck. Bill and Keith will review.

Next meeting date: Keith Smith will inquire by an e-mail pole for a consensus for the next available date.

Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Bill Farr